개발 조각글

Unity Refactoring - 달팽이 키우기 리팩토링 준비

BaekNohing 2022. 7. 28. 19:15

a cute cat snail


달팽이 키우기 리팩토링 목차

  1. 리팩토링 준비
  2. 구조 재설계
  3. UI Manager 설계
  4. 클래스간 관계
  5. Action 분리하기
  6. 핵심루프 설계
  7. 유닛 테스트


달팽이 키우기 리팩토링 준비


달팽이 키우기는 2020년 즈음 교수님과 하던 연구실 플젝을 끝내고, 4학년으로 복학하기 직전에 후다닥 만든 게임인데. 2개월만에 기획에서 런칭까지 끝내야했던 까닭에.. 설계없이 무작정 짰던 나머지 모든 로직이 status.cs에 들어가 있는 기적의 구조를 갖게 된 게임이다. 

그러던 와중 최근에 참여했던 가족 모임에서, 사촌동생이 달팽이가 너무 잘 죽는다고 피드백을 주었고. 오래간만에 값이나 좀 바꿀까 싶어서 들어가봤다가 이대로는 좀 아닌 것 같아가지고.. 겸사겸사 일하면서 배운것도 실습해볼 겸, 예전에 만들었던 달팽이 키우기 게임을 적절하게 리팩토링해보기로 했다.

200,000분만에 다시 연 달팽이 키우기 프로젝트와 죽어버린 달팽이..(불쌍해라!)


↓ 이하는 Status.cs 코드 전문.(매우 기므로 주의!)

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using Spine;
using Spine.Unity;
using Unity.Notifications.Android;
using GoogleMobileAds.Api;
using System;
using TMPro;

#pragma warning disable 0414

public class Status : MonoBehaviour

    public GameObject TouchBlock;

    // Spine Skeleton
    public SkeletonAnimation CreatureSkeleton;
    // 일단 여기다 선언해놓긴 하는데, unity inspector상에선 업데이트가 잘 안되니까, inspector에서 걍 수동으로 업데이트 할 것
    public SkeletonDataAsset[] skeletonDataAsset = new SkeletonDataAsset[7];
    public SkeletonDataAsset RIP;

    public Toggle notiAllowToggle;

    public GameObject AreYouSurePanel;
    public Text AreYouSureText;
    public GameObject evolutionButton;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Status controller

    float TryParseCheck;

    // XXX Value = negative 
    // XXX Tick = Positive
    // XXX To XXX = negative 
    // XXX To XXX Level = Positive

    // Status ---------------------------------

    public float status_hunger = 100f; // 'u'
    public float status_dirt = 100f; // 'd'

    public float status_happiness = 100f; // 'a' 'A'
    public float status_health = 100f; // 'e' 'E'

    // Hidden Status -------------------------

    public float status_loneiness = 0f; // 'L'
    public float status_goodness = 0f; // 'g'
    public float status_badness = 0f; // 'b'
    public float status_nightNday = 0f; // 'n'
    public float status_psysical = 0f; // 'p'
    public float status_intelligence = 0f; // 'I'

    //Min 기준으로 계산하도록 되어있음. 일단 2일
    public float status_revolutionTime = 2880f;

    float nullToHealth = 0f;
    float nullToHappiness = 0f;

    float hungerValue = -2f;
    float hungerTick = 900f; // 15min

    int hungerStack = 0;
    int hungerDeadStack = 0;
    float hungerStackLevelTop = 70f;
    float hungerStackLevelBottom = 30f;

    float hungerToHappiness = -1f;
    float hungerToHappinessLevel = 50f;
    float hungerToHealth = -1f;
    float hungerToHealthLevel = 50f;


    float dirtValue = -1f;
    float dirtTick = 900f;

    int dirtStack = 0;
    int dirtDeadStack = 0;
    float dirtStackLevelTop = 70f;
    float dirtStackLevelBottom = 30f;

    float dirtToHappiness = -1f;
    float dirtToHappinessLevel = 50f;
    float dirtToHealth = -1f;
    float dirtToHealthLevel = 50f;


    float happyValue = -1f;
    float happyTick = 900f;

    int happyStack = 0;
    int happyDeadStack = 0;
    float happyStackLevelTop = 70f;
    float happyStackLevelBottom = 30f;


    float healthValue = -1f;
    float healthTick = 900f;

    int healthStack = 0;
    int healthDeadStack = 0;
    float healthStackLevelTop = 70f;
    float healthStackLevelBottom = 30f;

    // Accessary -----------------------------

    // Effect의 범위 : 자연적으로 떨어지는 것, 아이템 사용으로 변하는 것, 다른 영향력에 영향을 행사하는 것
    // Effect는 곱연산, Effect끼리는 합연산

    // Status에 영향
    // => Increase 
    // EX > 차고있으면, hunger감소량이 20% 줄어듭니다. = accessary > hungerValue * 0.8%
    // EX > 차고있으면, 배고픔으로 인한 행복도 감소량이 20% 줄어듭니다. = accessary > hungerToHappiness * 0.8%

    // Compensators--------------------------- 
    // Tick의 경우, 결과적으로는 Value와 같기 때문에, 별도로 Compensator를 만들지 않음.

    // Hidden Status -------------------------

    public float loneiness_Compensator = 1f; // 'L'
    float goodness_Compensator = 1f; // 'g'
    float badness_Compensator = 1f; // 'b'
    float nightNday_Compensator = 1f; // 'n'
    float psysical_Compensator = 1f; // 'p'
    float intelligence_Compensator = 1f; // 'I'

    float hungerValue_Compensator = 1f;

    float hungerToHappiness_Compensator = 1f;
    float hungerToHappinessLevel_Compensator = 1f;
    float hungerToHealth_Compensator = 1f;
    float hungerToHealthLevel_Compensator = 1f;

    float u_Compensator = 1f;


    float dirtValue_Compensator = 1f;

    float dirtToHappiness_Compensator = 1f;
    float dirtToHappinessLevel_Compensator = 1f;
    float dirtToHealth_Compensator = 1f;
    float dirtToHealthLevel_Compensator = 1f;

    float d_Compensator = 1f;


    float happyValue_Compensator = 1f;

    float A_Compensator = 1f;


    float healthValue_Compensator = 1f;

    float E_Compensator = 1f;

    // 버튼 합산과정에 영향.  
    // => Increase By Char
    // EX > 차고있으면, 음식으로 인한 만복도 증가량이 10% 증가합니다. = buttonValue * 1.1%
    IEnumerator hunger;
    IEnumerator dirt;
    IEnumerator happiness;
    IEnumerator health;

    IEnumerator TimeSet;

    void Start()
        string appId = "ca-app-pub-4709635254723192~5674517136";
        string appId = "unexpected_platform";
        // Initialize the Google Mobile Ads SDK.



        //앱을 진짜 처음 켰을때 부분. Perf에서 Key값을 검사해서, 없는 것들을 채워넣는다.

        if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("IndexNumber") != -1)

            //시작할때 현재 단계에 맞추어 Creature 생성.

            //Perf에서 저장된 Status 불러오기.

            //Compensater 설정

            // 켠 다음에 Status를 경과한 시간에 따라 reduce

            // reduce가 끝나면 Status감소 Coroutine 시작

            // 처음 진화했을 때, LastTime을 한번 설정 해 주어야 함.
            PlayerPrefs.SetString("LastTime", System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm"));

            //AndroidNotificationCenter 세팅



            //Perf에서 저장된 Status 불러오기.

            //Compensater 설정

            // 처음 진화했을 때, LastTime을 한번 설정 해 주어야 함.
            PlayerPrefs.SetString("LastTime", System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm"));


        // Option설정이랑 동기화;
        if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("IsNotificatioAllow") == 1)
        { notiAllowToggle.isOn = true; }
        else { notiAllowToggle.isOn = false; }

    // 처음 켰을때 부분.
    void ApplicationFirstStart()
        // PlayerPerfs로 값을 읽는것들이 선언되어있지 않으면 에러나서 작동을 안하니까. 쭉 훑어가면서 선언해줌.
        if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("IndexNumber"))
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("IndexNumber", 0);

            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Creature0", 1);

        if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("LastTime")) { PlayerPrefs.SetString("LastTime", System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm")); }
        if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("Charm0")) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Charm0", 0); }
        if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("Charm1")) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Charm1", 0); }
        if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("Charm2")) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Charm2", 0); }
        if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("Stamina")) { PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("Stamina", 100f); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("StaminaSettime", 10); }
        if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("Coin")) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Coin", 50); }
        if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("ADTime")) { PlayerPrefs.SetString("ADTime", System.DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-30).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm")); }

        // Option
        if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("IsNotificatioAllow")) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("IsNotificatioAllow", 1); }

    void statusResetter()

        PlayerPrefs.SetString("StartTime", System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm"));

        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("status_hunger", 100f); // 'u'
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("status_dirt", 100f); // 'd'

        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("status_happiness", 100f); // 'a' 'A'
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("status_health", 100f); // 'e' 'E'

        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("status_loneiness", 0f); // 'L'
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("status_goodness", 0f); // 'g'
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("status_badness", 0f); // 'b'
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("status_nightNday", 0f); // 'n'
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("status_psysical", 0f); // 'p'
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("status_intelligence", 0f); // 'I'

        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("hungerStack", 0);
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("hungerDeadStack", 0);
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("dirtStack", 0);
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("dirtDeadStack", 0);
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("happyStack", 0);
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("happyDeadStack", 0);
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("healthStack", 0);
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("healthDeadStack", 0);


    //끈시간 켠시간을 비교해서, Status를 조정함

    public GameObject OnOffChecker;
    public Text onoffText_Time;
    public Text onoffText;

    void OnOffStatusSetter() {

        float hungerCheck = 0;
        float dirtCheck = 0;
        float happyCheck = 0;
        float healthCheck = 0;

        float LastTime = 0f;
        float OnTime = 0f;
        TimeToNumber(PlayerPrefs.GetString("LastTime"), ref LastTime);
        TimeToNumber(System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm"), ref OnTime);

        float StatusTickCounter = 0f;

        //10분이상 차이나야 작동하도록 설정했음. 
        if (OnTime - LastTime > 10f) {
            StatusTickCounter = ((OnTime - LastTime) * 60f) / hungerTick;
            for (int i = 1; i <= StatusTickCounter; i++)
            { StatusIncreaserByChar('u', hungerValue.ToString()); hungerCheck += hungerValue; }

            StatusTickCounter = ((OnTime - LastTime) * 60f) / dirtTick;
            for (int i = 1; i <= StatusTickCounter; i++)
            { StatusIncreaserByChar('d', dirtValue.ToString()); dirtCheck += dirtValue; }

            StatusTickCounter = ((OnTime - LastTime) * 60f) / happyTick;
            for (int i = 1; i <= StatusTickCounter; i++)
            { StatusIncreaserByChar('a', happyValue.ToString()); happyCheck += happyValue; }

            StatusTickCounter = ((OnTime - LastTime) * 60f) / healthTick;
            for (int i = 1; i <= StatusTickCounter; i++)
            { StatusIncreaserByChar('e', healthValue.ToString()); healthCheck += healthValue; }

            //4시간이상 방치시, 방치된 시간만큼 loniness 상승
            if (OnTime - LastTime > 240f) { status_loneiness += ((OnTime - LastTime) / 240); }

            onoffText_Time.text = (OnTime - LastTime).ToString() + "분 만에 다시 오셨군요";

            onoffText.text = "당신의 달팽이는 \n\n";

            if (hungerCheck < -5) { onoffText.text += "조금 배고파졌습니다 \n"; } 
            else if (hungerCheck < -30) { onoffText.text += "배고파졌습니다 \n"; }
            else if (hungerCheck < -70) { onoffText.text += "많이 배고파졌습니다 \n"; }

            if (dirtCheck < -5) { onoffText.text += "조금 더러워졌습니다 \n"; }
            else if (dirtCheck < -30) { onoffText.text += "더러워졌습니다 \n"; }
            else if (dirtCheck < -70) { onoffText.text += "많이 더러워졌습니다 \n"; }

            if (happyCheck < -5) { onoffText.text += "조금 슬퍼졌습니다 \n"; }
            else if (happyCheck < -30) { onoffText.text += "슬퍼졌습니다 \n"; }
            else if (happyCheck < -70) { onoffText.text += "많이 슬퍼졌습니다 \n"; }

            if (healthCheck < -5) { onoffText.text += "조금 약해졌습니다 \n"; }
            else if (healthCheck < -30) { onoffText.text += "약해졌습니다 \n"; }
            else if (healthCheck < -70) { onoffText.text += "많이 약해졌습니다 \n"; }

            if(hungerStack + dirtStack + healthStack + happyStack > 40) { onoffText.text += "죽어가고 있어요!"; }

            if (onoffText.text == "당신의 달팽이는 \n\n"){ onoffText.text += "\n\n 별일 없었습니다"; }

            //밥을 너무 안주거나 하면 죽음.
            if (hungerStack + dirtStack + healthStack + happyStack > 60) { 
                onoffText.text = "저런..! 달팽이가 지쳐서 죽었습니다.."; 
            //3일 이상 접속을 안하면 죽음.
            else if (OnTime - LastTime > 4320f) {
                onoffText.text = "저런..! 달팽이가 외로워서 죽었습니다..";    



        for (int i = 1; i <= (OnTime - LastTime); i++) {
            // 1분마다 Stamina Increase Check

            //Debug.Log((OnTime - LastTime).ToString() + "에 의하여, StaminaSettime을 실행합니다. 현재 stamina " + PlayerPrefs.GetInt("stamina").ToString());


    public void _onOffPanelOff(){



    void StatusIncreaseSetup()
            //하기전에 일단 모든 코루틴을 멈춘다. 
            //Start에도 실행할건데, 이때는 Corutine선언이 안되어있으니까 try로 error흘려보냄.
        catch { }

        hunger = StatusReduce('u', status_hunger, hungerValue, hungerTick);
        dirt = StatusReduce('d', status_dirt, dirtValue, dirtTick);
        happiness = StatusReduce('a', status_happiness, happyValue, happyTick);
        health = StatusReduce('e', status_health, healthValue, healthTick);

        TimeSet = TimeSetter();


    //켜자마자 LastTime을 할당하고, 1분 단위로 갱신함. StartTime과의 시간을 비교해서 진화함.  
    IEnumerator TimeSetter() {

        float StartTime = 0f;
        float LastTime = 0f;
        TimeToNumber(PlayerPrefs.GetString("StartTime"), ref StartTime);

        while (true) {
            PlayerPrefs.SetString("LastTime", System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm"));
            TimeToNumber(PlayerPrefs.GetString("LastTime"), ref LastTime);

            if (LastTime - StartTime > status_revolutionTime)
                //바로 진화하는게 아니라, 진화 버튼을 만들어야하네

            if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("IsNotificatioAllow") == 1)
                //LastTime을 갱신할때마다 알람을 갱신함.

            Debug.Log((LastTime - StartTime).ToString());

            //Stamina 줄어드는 매커니즘

            //켜면 일단 한번 저장
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(60f);

    public void _notificationAllow(){
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("IsNotificatioAllow", 1);
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("IsNotificatioAllow", 0);


    AndroidNotificationChannel defaultNotificationChannel = new AndroidNotificationChannel()
        Id = "channel_id",
        Name = "Default Channel",
        Importance = Importance.High,
        Description = "Generic notifications",

    AndroidNotification notification_hunger = new AndroidNotification();
    AndroidNotification notification_dirt = new AndroidNotification();
    AndroidNotification notification_missing = new AndroidNotification();

    public void _NotificationSetup()
        double hungerTime = 0;
        double dirtTime = 0;

        if (status_hunger - 30f >= 0)
        { hungerTime = (((status_hunger - 30f) / (hungerValue * -1)) * hungerTick) + 1; }
        else if (status_hunger - 30f < 0)
        { hungerTime = (((status_hunger) / (hungerValue * -1)) * hungerTick) + 1; }

        if (status_dirt - 30f >= 0)
        { dirtTime = (((status_dirt - 30f) / (dirtValue * -1)) * dirtTick) + 1; }
        else if (status_dirt - 30f < 0)
        { dirtTime = (((status_dirt) / (dirtValue * -1)) * hungerTick) + 1; }

        notification_hunger.Title = "Creatures";
        notification_hunger.Text = "달팽이가 배고파하고 있습니다!";
        notification_hunger.FireTime = System.DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(hungerTime);
        notification_hunger.LargeIcon = "icon_0";
        notification_hunger.SmallIcon = "icon_1";

        notification_dirt.Title = "Creatures";
        notification_dirt.Text = "달팽이 집이 더러워졌어요!";
        notification_dirt.FireTime = System.DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(dirtTime);
        notification_dirt.LargeIcon = "icon_0";
        notification_dirt.SmallIcon = "icon_1";

        notification_missing.Title = "Creatures";
        notification_missing.Text = "달팽이가 당신을 보고싶어합니다.";
        notification_missing.FireTime = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
        notification_missing.LargeIcon = "icon_0";
        notification_missing.SmallIcon = "icon_1";

        AndroidNotificationCenter.SendNotification(notification_hunger, "channel_id");
        AndroidNotificationCenter.SendNotification(notification_dirt, "channel_id");
        AndroidNotificationCenter.SendNotification(notification_missing, "channel_id");

    public GameObject touchBlocker;

    void Dead() {

        //PlayerPrefs.SetInt("IndexNumber" ..  를 -1 로 만듬



            // 코루틴을 다 멈춤
        catch { }


    public void _AreYouSureEvolution(){



    public void _DoDeadButton(){
    // 디버그용 진화버튼
    public void _EvolutionButton(){

        AreYouSureText.text = "달팽이를 진화시켜볼까요?";

    void DoEvolution() {

        // 진화 프로토콜 시작.
        // L, g, b, n, p, I 
        // loney , good, bad, night and day, psycial, intelligence

        // 진화조건을 어떻게 맞추지..?? 일단 임의로 만드는데 어떻게 해야하지
        // CreateCreature(PlayerPrefs.GetInt("IndexNumber"));
        // 일단 indexnumber로 하고, 나중에 짜지는대로 다시할 것

        // 2020-03-22 Temp Secter
        // 지금은 그냥 변하는데, 효과넣고 하면 효과가 끝날때 > Create하면 될 듯.


        if ( PlayerPrefs.GetInt("IndexNumber")  == -1) 
            //되살아 났습니다.


            int index = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, skeletonDataAsset.Length);
            while (index == PlayerPrefs.GetInt("IndexNumber"))
            { index = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, skeletonDataAsset.Length); }

            //Dictionary 체크
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Creature" + index.ToString(), 1);

            CreateCreature( index );
            Debug.Log(index.ToString() + "번째 달팽이로 진화했습니다.");

        //코인 증가.

        // Skeleton이 교체된 이후엔, 스테이터스와 시간을 초기화함.
        // 모든 코루틴을 중단하고, 변화된 스테이터스에 따라 초기화.

    public void _CoinIncrease(int number){
        try { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Coin", PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Coin") + number); }
        catch { }

    void CreateCreature( int IndexNumber )

        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("IndexNumber", IndexNumber);

        if ( IndexNumber >= 0)
            Debug.Log("NowCreature IS : " + IndexNumber.ToString());

            // 할당된 IndexNumber를 바탕으로 new SpineSkeleton를 생성. 
            Debug.Log("Creature Is Dead..");


    public void CreateSpine(int index)
        //Creature를 일단 삭제
        //Index에서 skeleton을 찾아서 새 Object를 만들고 ( = 오른쪽만으로 충분함) CreatureSkeleton 에 할당함
        //위치와 이름 애니메이션 설정

        if (index < 0)
            CreatureSkeleton = SkeletonAnimation.NewSkeletonAnimationGameObject(RIP);
            CreatureSkeleton.transform.Translate(new Vector3(-0.3f, 1.3f, 0f));
            CreatureSkeleton = SkeletonAnimation.NewSkeletonAnimationGameObject(skeletonDataAsset[index]);
            CreatureSkeleton.transform.Translate(new Vector3(0f, 0.9f, 0f));
        CreatureSkeleton.name = "Creature";
        CreatureSkeleton.AnimationState.SetAnimation(0, "stand", true).TimeScale = 1f;

    void setStatus(int indexNumber)
        List<Dictionary<string, object>> data = CSVReader.Read("TempCaracter/SkeletonStatus");
        status_revolutionTime = float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["LT"].ToString());

        hungerValue = float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["hV"].ToString());
        hungerTick = float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["hT"].ToString());

        hungerStackLevelTop = float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["hSLT"].ToString());
        hungerStackLevelBottom = float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["hSLB"].ToString());

        hungerToHappiness = float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["hTA"].ToString());
        hungerToHappinessLevel = float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["hTAL"].ToString());
        hungerToHealth = float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["hTE"].ToString());
        hungerToHealthLevel = float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["hTEL"].ToString());


        dirtValue = float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["dV"].ToString());
        dirtTick = float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["dT"].ToString());

        dirtStackLevelTop = float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["dSLT"].ToString());
        dirtStackLevelBottom = float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["dSLB"].ToString());

        dirtToHappiness = float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["dTA"].ToString());
        dirtToHappinessLevel = float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["dTAL"].ToString());
        dirtToHealth = float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["dTE"].ToString());
        dirtToHealthLevel = float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["dTEL"].ToString());


        happyValue = float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["aV"].ToString());
        happyTick = float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["aT"].ToString());

        happyStackLevelTop = float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["aSLT"].ToString());
        happyStackLevelBottom = float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["aSLB"].ToString());


        healthValue = float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["eV"].ToString());
        healthTick = float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["eT"].ToString());

        healthStackLevelTop = float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["eSLT"].ToString());
        healthStackLevelBottom = float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["eSLB"].ToString());

        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("status_revolutionTime", float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["LT"].ToString()));

        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("hungerValue", float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["hV"].ToString()));
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("hungerTick", float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["hT"].ToString()));

        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("hungerStackLevelTop", float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["hSLT"].ToString()));
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("hungerStackLevelBottom", float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["hSLB"].ToString()));

        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("hungerToHappiness", float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["hTA"].ToString()));
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("hungerToHappinessLevel", float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["hTAL"].ToString()));
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("hungerToHealth", float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["hTE"].ToString()));
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("hungerToHealthLevel", float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["hTEL"].ToString()));


        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("dirtValue", float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["dV"].ToString()));
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("dirtTick", float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["dT"].ToString()));

        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("dirtStackLevelTop", float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["dSLT"].ToString()));
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("dirtStackLevelBottom", float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["dSLB"].ToString()));

        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("dirtToHappiness", float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["dTA"].ToString()));
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("dirtToHappinessLevel", float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["dTAL"].ToString()));
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("dirtToHealth", float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["dTE"].ToString()));
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("dirtToHealthLevel", float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["dTEL"].ToString()));


        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("happyValue", float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["aV"].ToString()));
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("happyTick", float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["aT"].ToString()));

        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("happyStackLevelTop", float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["aSLT"].ToString()));
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("happyStackLevelBottom", float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["aSLB"].ToString()));


        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("healthValue", float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["eV"].ToString()));
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("healthTick", float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["eT"].ToString()));

        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("healthStackLevelTop", float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["eSLT"].ToString()));
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("healthStackLevelBottom", float.Parse(data[indexNumber]["eSLB"].ToString()));

        hungerValue = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("hungerValue");
        hungerTick = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("hungerTick");

        hungerStackLevelTop = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("hungerStackLevelTop");
        hungerStackLevelBottom = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("hungerStackLevelBottom");

        hungerToHappiness = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("hungerToHappiness");
        hungerToHappinessLevel = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("hungerToHappinessLevel");
        hungerToHealth = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("hungerToHealth");
        hungerToHealthLevel = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("hungerToHealthLevel");


        dirtValue = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("dirtValue");
        dirtTick = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("dirtTick");

        dirtStackLevelTop = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("dirtStackLevelTop");
        dirtStackLevelBottom = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("dirtStackLevelBottom");

        dirtToHappiness = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("dirtToHappiness");
        dirtToHappinessLevel = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("dirtToHappinessLevel");
        dirtToHealth = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("dirtToHealth");
        dirtToHealthLevel = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("dirtToHealthLevel");


        happyValue = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("happyValue");
        happyTick = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("happyTick");

        happyStackLevelTop = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("happyStackLevelTop");
        happyStackLevelBottom = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("happyStackLevelBottom");


        healthValue = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("healthValue");
        healthTick = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("healthTick");

        healthStackLevelTop = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("healthStackLevelTop");
        healthStackLevelBottom = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("healthStackLevelBottom");

        Debug.Log(data[indexNumber]["name"].ToString() + " StatusUpdateComplete");

    float TimeToNumber(string yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm, ref float Number){

        int Counter = 0;
        Number = 0f;

        foreach (char n in yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm) {

            //더 세련되게 적을 수 있는 방법이 있다는걸 알긴 하는데., 그럼 나중에 못고칠듯 
            // yyyy _ MM _ dd _  H H _ mm
            // 0123 4 56 7 89 10 1112  1314

            if (Counter == 4 || Counter == 7 || Counter == 10 || Counter == 13) { /* DoNothing */ }
            else if (Counter == 0)
            { Number += int.Parse(n.ToString()) * 8760f * 60f; } //Year
            else if (Counter == 1)
            { Number += int.Parse(n.ToString()) * 8760f * 60f; }
            else if (Counter == 2)
            { Number += int.Parse(n.ToString()) * 8760f * 60f; }
            else if (Counter == 3)
            { Number += int.Parse(n.ToString()) * 8760f * 60f; }

            else if (Counter == 5)
            { Number += int.Parse(n.ToString()) * 10f * 732f * 60f; } //Month
            else if (Counter == 6)
            { Number += int.Parse(n.ToString()) * 732f * 60f; } //Month

            else if (Counter == 8)
            { Number += int.Parse(n.ToString()) * 10f * 24f * 60f; } //Day
            else if (Counter == 9)
            { Number += int.Parse(n.ToString()) * 24f * 60f; } 

            else if (Counter == 11)
            { Number += int.Parse(n.ToString()) * 10f * 60f; } //Hour
            else if (Counter == 12)
            { Number += int.Parse(n.ToString()) * 60f; } 

            else if (Counter == 14)
            { Number += int.Parse(n.ToString()) * 10f; } //Minuate
            else if (Counter == 15)
            { Number += int.Parse(n.ToString()); }

        // Debug.Log(Number.ToString());
        return Number;

    //그냥 서있으면 감소하는 기본 감소량
    IEnumerator StatusReduce(char name, float Status, float Value, float Tick){
        //한번 쉬고 (켜자마자 스탯이 깎이는걸 : 껐다켰다하면 급속도로 스탯이 떨어지는 것 방지)
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(Tick);

        while (true){
            if(Status > 0) 
                StatusIncreaserByChar(name, Value.ToString());
                    case 'u' : { Status = status_hunger; break; }
                    case 'd' : { Status = status_dirt;   break; }
                    case 'a' : { Status = status_happiness; break; }
                    case 'e' : { Status = status_health; break; }

            yield return new WaitForSeconds(Tick);
    // a00b00c00의 형태로 "이름" + "변경값"으로 되어있음. 0 ~ 50 증가, 51~99 감소
    public void _StatusChangeButton (string name){

        string charStack = null;
        bool ready = false;
        bool did = false;
        char changeStatName = ' ';
        //Button에 있는 String을 참조하여 Status을 변경함.
        foreach(char n in name){

            if( did ) { 
                charStack += n;
                ready = false;
                did = false;
                //ChangeButton을 할때 Char에는 대문자를 넣을 것
                StatusIncreaserByChar(changeStatName, charStack);
                Debug.Log(changeStatName + " Changed by : " + charStack);
                charStack = null;

            if( ready && !did ) {
                charStack += n;
                did = true;

            if (!float.TryParse(n.ToString(), out TryParseCheck)){
                ready = true; changeStatName = n;

    //특정 스테이터스만 바꾸기, 변경값은 초기화 x 수동으로 초기화해야함
    void StatusIncreaserByChar(char name, string Value){

        //소문자는 자연증감, 대문자는 인위증감

            //----------------------------Independent Value
            // 일반적인 Status_Value는 항상 음수기때문에, 정상적으로 Tick에 따라 차감됨.
            // Button에서 String을 할당할때만 0~50 사이의 값으로 지정되기때문에, 0~50 증가 51~99 감소 사용가능.

            case 'u' :{
                if (float.TryParse(Value, out TryParseCheck))
                    float tempFloat = float.Parse(Value);

                    // By Status_Value
                    if (tempFloat < 0f) 
                        tempFloat *= hungerValue_Compensator;
                    // By _StatusChangeButton
                    else if (tempFloat <= 50f) 
                        tempFloat *= u_Compensator;

                    // By _StatusChangeButton Over 50 negative 
                    else if (tempFloat > 50f)
                        tempFloat = (tempFloat - 50f) * -1f;
                        tempFloat *= u_Compensator;       

                    Value = tempFloat.ToString();
                    StatusIncrease(float.Parse(Value), ref status_hunger);

                    if (status_hunger >= hungerStackLevelTop ) { hungerStack++; }
                    else if (status_hunger <= hungerStackLevelBottom ) 
                        if (status_hunger == 0) { hungerStack--; hungerDeadStack++; };    

            case 'd' :{
                if (float.TryParse(Value, out TryParseCheck))

                    float tempFloat = float.Parse(Value);

                    // By Status_Value
                    if (tempFloat < 0f)
                        tempFloat *= dirtValue_Compensator;

                    // By _StatusChangeButton
                    else if (tempFloat <= 50f)
                        tempFloat *= d_Compensator;

                    // By _StatusChangeButton Over 50 negative 
                    else if (tempFloat > 50f)
                        tempFloat = (tempFloat - 50f) * -1f;
                        tempFloat *= d_Compensator;

                    Value = tempFloat.ToString();
                    StatusIncrease(float.Parse(Value), ref status_dirt);

                    if (status_dirt >= dirtStackLevelTop) { dirtStack++; }
                    else if (status_dirt <= dirtStackLevelBottom)
                        if (status_dirt == 0) { dirtStack--; dirtDeadStack++; };

            //----------------------------Dependent Value

            case 'a' :{
                if (float.TryParse(Value, out TryParseCheck))
                    float tempFloat = float.Parse(Value);

                    if(status_hunger < hungerToHappinessLevel * hungerToHappinessLevel_Compensator) 
                    { tempFloat += hungerToHappiness * hungerToHappiness_Compensator;}

                    if(status_dirt < dirtToHappinessLevel * dirtToHappinessLevel_Compensator)
                    { tempFloat += dirtToHappiness * dirtToHappiness_Compensator; }

                    tempFloat *= happyValue_Compensator;
                    Value = tempFloat.ToString();
                    StatusIncrease(float.Parse(Value), ref status_happiness);

                    if (status_happiness >= happyStackLevelTop) { happyStack++; }
                    else if (status_happiness <= happyStackLevelBottom)
                        if (status_happiness == 0) { happyStack--; happyDeadStack++; };

            case 'e' :{
                if (float.TryParse(Value, out TryParseCheck))
                    float tempFloat = float.Parse(Value); 

                    if (status_hunger < hungerToHealthLevel * hungerToHealthLevel_Compensator)
                    { tempFloat += hungerToHealth * hungerToHealth_Compensator; }

                    if (status_dirt < dirtToHealthLevel * dirtToHealthLevel_Compensator)
                    { tempFloat += dirtToHealth * dirtToHealth_Compensator; }

                    tempFloat *= healthValue_Compensator;
                    Value = tempFloat.ToString();

                    StatusIncrease(float.Parse(Value), ref status_health);

                    if (status_health >= healthStackLevelTop) { healthStack++; }
                    else if (status_health <= healthStackLevelBottom)
                        if (status_health == 0) { healthStack--; healthDeadStack++; };

            //----------------------------By Incraser

            //Happy by Increaser
            case 'A' :{

                if(float.TryParse(Value, out TryParseCheck))
                    float tempFloat = float.Parse(Value);
                    if (float.Parse(Value) > 50)
                        tempFloat = ( float.Parse(Value) - 50 ) * -1f;      

                    tempFloat *= A_Compensator;

                    Value = tempFloat.ToString();
                    StatusIncrease(float.Parse(Value), ref status_happiness);
            //Health by Increaser
            case 'E' :{

                if (float.TryParse(Value, out TryParseCheck))
                    float tempFloat = float.Parse(Value);

                    if (float.Parse(Value) > 50)
                        tempFloat = (float.Parse(Value) - 50) * -1f;    

                    tempFloat *= E_Compensator;

                    Value = tempFloat.ToString();
                    StatusIncrease(float.Parse(Value), ref status_health);

            case 'L' :{

                if (float.TryParse(Value, out TryParseCheck))
                    float tempFloat = float.Parse(Value);

                    if (float.Parse(Value) > 50)
                        tempFloat = (float.Parse(Value) - 50) * -1f;

                    tempFloat *= loneiness_Compensator;

                    Value = tempFloat.ToString();
                    StatusIncrease(float.Parse(Value), ref status_loneiness);

            case 'g':

                if (float.TryParse(Value, out TryParseCheck))
                    float tempFloat = float.Parse(Value);

                    if (float.Parse(Value) > 50)
                        tempFloat = (float.Parse(Value) - 50) * -1f;

                    tempFloat *= goodness_Compensator;

                    Value = tempFloat.ToString();
                    StatusIncrease(float.Parse(Value), ref status_goodness);

            case 'b':

                if (float.TryParse(Value, out TryParseCheck))
                    float tempFloat = float.Parse(Value);

                    if (float.Parse(Value) > 50)
                        tempFloat = (float.Parse(Value) - 50) * -1f;

                    tempFloat *= badness_Compensator;

                    Value = tempFloat.ToString();
                    StatusIncrease(float.Parse(Value), ref status_badness);

            case 'n':

                if (float.TryParse(Value, out TryParseCheck))
                    float tempFloat = float.Parse(Value);

                    if (float.Parse(Value) > 50)
                        tempFloat = (float.Parse(Value) - 50) * -1f;

                    tempFloat *= nightNday_Compensator;

                    Value = tempFloat.ToString();
                    StatusIncrease(float.Parse(Value), ref status_nightNday);

            case 'p':

                if (float.TryParse(Value, out TryParseCheck))
                    float tempFloat = float.Parse(Value);

                    if (float.Parse(Value) > 50)
                        tempFloat = (float.Parse(Value) - 50) * -1f;

                    tempFloat *= psysical_Compensator;

                    Value = tempFloat.ToString();
                    StatusIncrease(float.Parse(Value), ref status_psysical);

            case 'I':

                if (float.TryParse(Value, out TryParseCheck))
                    float tempFloat = float.Parse(Value);

                    if (float.Parse(Value) > 50)
                        tempFloat = (float.Parse(Value) - 50) * -1f;

                    tempFloat *= intelligence_Compensator;

                    Value = tempFloat.ToString();
                    StatusIncrease(float.Parse(Value), ref status_intelligence);

        //변화된 Value들을 PlayerPrefs에 쑤셔넣기.

    //스테이터스 변경 기본공식 / 보정값은 괄호 안쪽만 안건드리면 자유롭게 조정가능
    float StatusIncrease( float Value, ref float Status ){

        Status += Value;

        // 스테이터스가 음수로 넘어가지 않도록
        if (Status < 0){ Status = 0f; }
        else if (Status > 100) { Status = 100f; }
        return Status;

    //Start에 넣어서, 켰을때 이전 Status와 동기화하도록
    void StatusSynchronizerValueFromPerfs()

        status_hunger = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("status_hunger"); // 'u'
        status_dirt = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("status_dirt"); // 'd'

        status_happiness = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("status_happiness"); // 'a' 'A'
        status_health = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("status_health"); // 'e' 'E'

        status_loneiness = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("status_loneiness"); // 'L'
        status_goodness = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("status_goodness"); // 'g'
        status_badness = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("status_badness"); // 'b'
        status_nightNday = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("status_nightNday"); // 'n'
        status_psysical = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("status_psysical"); // 'p'
        status_intelligence = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("status_intelligence"); // 'I'

        hungerStack = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("hungerStack");
        hungerDeadStack = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("hungerDeadStack");

        dirtStack = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("dirtStack");
        dirtDeadStack = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("dirtDeadStack");

        happyStack = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("happyStack");
        happyDeadStack = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("happyDeadStack");

        healthStack = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("healthStack");
        healthDeadStack = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("healthDeadStack");

    //StatusIncreaseByChar에 넣어서, 스테이터스가 변화할때마다 Perfs에 저장하도록.
    void StatusSynchronizerPerfsFromValue(){

        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("status_hunger", status_hunger); // 'u'
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("status_dirt", status_dirt); // 'd'

        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("status_happiness", status_happiness); // 'a' 'A'
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("status_health", status_health); // 'e' 'E'

        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("status_loneiness", status_loneiness); // 'L'
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("status_goodness", status_goodness); // 'g'
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("status_badness", status_badness); // 'b'
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("status_nightNday", status_nightNday); // 'n'
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("status_psysical", status_psysical); // 'p'
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("status_intelligence", status_intelligence); // 'I'

        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("hungerStack", hungerStack);
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("hungerDeadStack", hungerDeadStack);
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("dirtStack", dirtStack);
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("dirtDeadStack", dirtDeadStack);

        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("happyStack", happyStack);
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("happyDeadStack", happyDeadStack);

        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("healthStack", healthStack);
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("healthDeadStack", healthDeadStack);

    // CSV로 만들어서, name으로 Status동기화 하듯 동기화하는 수밖에 없는듯. 
    // Perf로 만들어야 하는걸 그냥 변수로 선언한 내 업보다 업보.

    // - Shop

    // 앞의 한글자로 어느 Charm인지 구분하고, 나머지 글자가 IndexNumber가 됨.
    public void _CompenSaterChanger(string charmIndexNumber){

        string charm_N_List = "Charm" + charmIndexNumber.Substring(0, 1);
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt(charm_N_List, int.Parse( charmIndexNumber.Substring(1, charmIndexNumber.Length - 1)) );

        // 변경하고, 동기화.

    void CompensatorSynchronizer()
        List<Dictionary<string, object>> Charms0List = CSVReader.Read("Charms/Charms0Status");
        List<Dictionary<string, object>> Charms1List = CSVReader.Read("Charms/Charms1Status");
        List<Dictionary<string, object>> Charms2List = CSVReader.Read("Charms/Charms2Status");

        // Hidden Status -------------------------

        charmSummation(Charms0List, Charms1List, Charms2List, "L", ref loneiness_Compensator);
        charmSummation(Charms0List, Charms1List, Charms2List, "g", ref goodness_Compensator);
        charmSummation(Charms0List, Charms1List, Charms2List, "b", ref badness_Compensator);
        charmSummation(Charms0List, Charms1List, Charms2List, "n", ref nightNday_Compensator);
        charmSummation(Charms0List, Charms1List, Charms2List, "p", ref psysical_Compensator);
        charmSummation(Charms0List, Charms1List, Charms2List, "I", ref intelligence_Compensator);

        charmSummation(Charms0List, Charms1List, Charms2List, "hV", ref hungerValue_Compensator);
        charmSummation(Charms0List, Charms1List, Charms2List, "hTA", ref hungerToHappiness_Compensator);
        charmSummation(Charms0List, Charms1List, Charms2List, "hTAL", ref hungerToHappinessLevel_Compensator);
        charmSummation(Charms0List, Charms1List, Charms2List, "hTE", ref hungerToHealth_Compensator);
        charmSummation(Charms0List, Charms1List, Charms2List, "hTEL", ref hungerToHealthLevel_Compensator);
        charmSummation(Charms0List, Charms1List, Charms2List, "u", ref u_Compensator);

        charmSummation(Charms0List, Charms1List, Charms2List, "dV", ref dirtValue_Compensator);
        charmSummation(Charms0List, Charms1List, Charms2List, "dTA", ref dirtToHappiness_Compensator);
        charmSummation(Charms0List, Charms1List, Charms2List, "dTAL", ref dirtToHappinessLevel_Compensator);
        charmSummation(Charms0List, Charms1List, Charms2List, "dTE", ref dirtToHealth_Compensator);
        charmSummation(Charms0List, Charms1List, Charms2List, "dTEL", ref dirtToHealthLevel_Compensator);
        charmSummation(Charms0List, Charms1List, Charms2List, "d", ref d_Compensator);

        charmSummation(Charms0List, Charms1List, Charms2List, "aV", ref happyValue_Compensator);
        charmSummation(Charms0List, Charms1List, Charms2List, "A", ref A_Compensator);
        charmSummation(Charms0List, Charms1List, Charms2List, "eV", ref healthValue_Compensator);
        charmSummation(Charms0List, Charms1List, Charms2List, "E", ref E_Compensator);

        // 장비와 악세사리를 탈착할 때, 이걸로 Compensator들을 업데이트함.

    float charmSummation( List<Dictionary<string, object>> Charms0, List<Dictionary<string, object>> Charms1, List<Dictionary<string, object>> Charms2, string name , ref float Compensator){

        int C0 = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Charm0");
        int C1 = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Charm1");
        int C2 = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Charm2");

        Compensator = 1 + float.Parse(Charms0[C0][name].ToString()) + float.Parse(Charms1[C1][name].ToString()) + float.Parse(Charms2[C2][name].ToString());

        return Compensator;

    public GameObject[] Charm_0Index;
    public GameObject[] Charm_1Index;
    public GameObject[] Charm_2Index;

    public void _ShopOnoff(){

        for (int i = 0; i < Charm_0Index.Length; i++)
        { Charm_0Index[i].SetActive(false); }
        for (int i = 0; i < Charm_1Index.Length; i++)
        { Charm_1Index[i].SetActive(false);  }
        for (int i = 0; i < Charm_2Index.Length; i++)
        { Charm_2Index[i].SetActive(false);   }



    // - Shop 

    //Dictionary -  

    public GameObject[] dictionaryIndex;
    public Text[] dictionaryName;

    // 열고 닫을때 동기화해주면 될 듯.
    public void _DictionaryOnOff(){

        List<Dictionary<string, object>> data = CSVReader.Read("TempCaracter/SkeletonStatus");

        for (int i = 0; i < dictionaryIndex.Length; i++)
                dictionaryName[i].text = data[i]["name"].ToString();
                dictionaryName[i].text = "???";

    public GameObject dictionaryYesNo;
    public Text dictionaryYesNoName;
    public Text dictionaryYesNoDisc;
    public GameObject dictionaryYesNo_YesButton;
    public GameObject dictionaryNoCoin;
    public Text dictionaryNoCoinText;

    public void _DictionaryYesNoSet(int index)

        List<Dictionary<string, object>> data = CSVReader.Read("TempCaracter/SkeletonStatus");
        dictionaryYesNoName.text = "선택 : " + data[index]["name"].ToString();
        dictionaryYesNoDisc.text = "설명 : " + data[index]["disc"].ToString();
        dictionaryYesNo_YesButton.name = index.ToString();

    public void _DictionaryEvolution()
        if(PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Coin") >= 100)
            Debug.Log(dictionaryYesNo_YesButton.name + "번째 달팽이로 진화했습니다.");

            //코인 증가.
            // Skeleton이 교체된 이후엔, 스테이터스와 시간을 초기화함.
            // 모든 코루틴을 중단하고, 변화된 스테이터스에 따라 초기화.

            dictionaryNoCoinText.text = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Coin").ToString();

    public void _DictionaryYesNoExit()

    public void _DictionaryNoCoinExit(){



    // - Dictionary

    public bool animationPalyChecker = false;

    public void _AnimationControll(string name)
        if (!animationPalyChecker)
            animationPalyChecker = true;

    IEnumerator SpineAnimationCorutine(string name)

        string tempName = CreatureSkeleton.AnimationName;
        CreatureSkeleton.AnimationState.SetAnimation(0, name, true).TimeScale = 1f;
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(2f);

        CreatureSkeleton.AnimationState.SetAnimation(0, tempName, true).TimeScale = 1f;
        animationPalyChecker = false;


    public GameObject[] Objects;

    public void _ObjectOnOff(int number){

        for (int i = 0; i < Objects.Length; i++)
        { Objects[i].SetActive(false); }


    IEnumerator ObjectsCorutine(int indexNumber)
        Objects[indexNumber].GetComponent<SkeletonAnimation>().AnimationState.SetAnimation(0, "stand", true).TimeScale = 1f;
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(2f);

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- UI controller

    //For UI
    //public SkeletonGraphic skeletonGraphic;

    public Slider slider_hunger;
    public Slider slider_happiness;
    public Slider slider_health;
    public Slider slider_dirt;

    public GameObject[] dirts;
    public Text Text_Coin;
    public Text Text_Stamina;
    public Text Text_StaminaTime;

    public Text Text_ADTime;
    void Update()
        slider_hunger.value = status_hunger;
        slider_happiness.value = status_happiness;
        slider_health.value = status_health;
        slider_dirt.value = status_dirt;
        {   Text_Stamina.text = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Stamina").ToString();
            Text_Coin.text = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Coin").ToString();
            Text_StaminaTime.text = "♥ 충전까지 앞으로 " + PlayerPrefs.GetInt("StaminaSettime").ToString()+"분";

        catch{ }

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)){

            bool panelActiveChecker = false;

            for(int i = 0; i < onoffPanel.Length; i ++)
            { try { if (onoffPanel[i].activeSelf && !dictionaryYesNo.activeSelf ) { onoffPanel[i].SetActive(false); panelActiveChecker = true; } } catch { } }
            if (!panelActiveChecker && !AreYouSurePanel.activeSelf && !dictionaryYesNo.activeSelf) { onoffPanel[6].SetActive(true); }

        dirts[0].SetActive(false); dirts[1].SetActive(false); dirts[2].SetActive(false);

        if (status_dirt < 70f){
            if(status_dirt < 40f){
                if (status_dirt < 20f){
        //AD Time 부분
        float LastTime = 0f;
        float OnTime = 0f;
        TimeToNumber(PlayerPrefs.GetString("ADTime"), ref LastTime);
        TimeToNumber(System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm"), ref OnTime);

        if (OnTime - LastTime > 30) { Text_ADTime.text = "사용가능!"; }
            Text_ADTime.text = (30 - (OnTime - LastTime)).ToString() + " 분!";
            if (30 - (OnTime - LastTime) == 0) { Text_ADTime.text = "잠시 기다려주세요"; }

    public void StaminaSettime(){

        int StaminasetTime = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("StaminaSettime");

        if ( StaminasetTime != 1 )
        { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("StaminaSettime", StaminasetTime - 1); }
            float tempStamina = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Staina");


            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("StaminaSettime", 10);  

    public void _StaminaIncrease(int number){

        float tempStamina = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Stamina");

        if (number > 50) { number = (number - 50) * -1; }
        StatusIncrease(number, ref tempStamina);

        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("Stamina", tempStamina);

    public GameObject TextBox;
    public TextMesh text;

    public string[] textList = new string[15];

    public string TextShowPattern(ref string Text){

        //full	hunger	clean	dirt	happy   sad  hurt good	bad	psysical	intelligence	loney   free1 free2 free3

        int indexNumber = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("IndexNumber");

        List<Dictionary<string, object>> data = CSVReader.Read("TempCaracter/SkeletonTextScript");

        int indexCounter = 0;


        if (status_hunger > hungerStackLevelTop){ textList[indexCounter] = data[indexNumber]["full"].ToString(); indexCounter++; }
        if (status_hunger < hungerStackLevelBottom) { textList[indexCounter] = data[indexNumber]["hunger"].ToString(); indexCounter++; }
        if (status_dirt > dirtStackLevelTop) { textList[indexCounter] = data[indexNumber]["clean"].ToString(); indexCounter++; }
        if (status_dirt < dirtStackLevelBottom) { textList[indexCounter] = data[indexNumber]["dirt"].ToString(); indexCounter++; }
        if (status_happiness > happyStackLevelTop) { textList[indexCounter] = data[indexNumber]["happy"].ToString(); indexCounter++; }
        if (status_happiness < happyStackLevelBottom) { textList[indexCounter] = data[indexNumber]["sad"].ToString(); indexCounter++; }
        if (status_health < healthStackLevelBottom) { textList[indexCounter] = data[indexNumber]["hurt"].ToString(); indexCounter++; }

        if (status_goodness > 10) { textList[indexCounter] = data[indexNumber]["good"].ToString(); indexCounter++; }
        if (status_badness > 10) { textList[indexCounter] = data[indexNumber]["bad"].ToString(); indexCounter++; }
        if (status_psysical > 10) { textList[indexCounter] = data[indexNumber]["psycial"].ToString(); indexCounter++; }
        if (status_intelligence > 10) { textList[indexCounter] = data[indexNumber]["intelligence"].ToString(); indexCounter++; }
        if (status_loneiness > 10) { textList[indexCounter] = data[indexNumber]["loney"].ToString(); indexCounter++; }

        textList[indexCounter] = data[indexNumber]["free1"].ToString(); indexCounter++;
        textList[indexCounter] = data[indexNumber]["free2"].ToString(); indexCounter++;
        textList[indexCounter] = data[indexNumber]["free3"].ToString();

        int RandomNumber = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,indexCounter);

        Text = textList[RandomNumber];

        return Text;

    public void _ShowText()
        string script = null;

        if(PlayerPrefs.GetInt("IndexNumber") == -1)
            //-1에서 진화시키자.
            AreYouSureText.text = "새로운 달팽이를 키워볼까요?";
        else if(!TextBox.activeSelf)

            TextShowPattern(ref script);
            text.text = script;


    IEnumerator ShowText()
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(3f);

    public GameObject[] onoffPanel; 
    public void _PanelOnOff(int number)
        if(number != 7)
            //Credits가 자꾸 꺼져서, 일단 임시방편

    public void _PanelOff(){
            for (int i = 0; i < onoffPanel.Length; i++)
            { onoffPanel[i].SetActive(false); }
        }catch{ }

    public void _Exit(){


// Android Ads -

    private RewardedAd rewardedAd;

    // 보상형 광고
    private void RequestRewardedAd()
        string adUnitId;
            adUnitId = "ca-app-pub-4709635254723192/2264372270";
            //adUnitId = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/5224354917";
            adUnitId = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1712485313";
            adUnitId = "unexpected_platform";

        this.rewardedAd = new RewardedAd(adUnitId);

        // Called when an ad request has successfully loaded.
        this.rewardedAd.OnAdLoaded += HandleRewardedAdLoaded;
        // Called when an ad request failed to load.
        this.rewardedAd.OnAdFailedToLoad += HandleRewardedAdFailedToLoad;
        // Called when an ad is shown.
        this.rewardedAd.OnAdOpening += HandleRewardedAdOpening;
        // Called when an ad request failed to show.
        this.rewardedAd.OnAdFailedToShow += HandleRewardedAdFailedToShow;
        // Called when the user should be rewarded for interacting with the ad.
        this.rewardedAd.OnUserEarnedReward += HandleUserEarnedReward;
        // Called when the ad is closed.
        this.rewardedAd.OnAdClosed += HandleRewardedAdClosed;

        // Create an empty ad request.
        AdRequest request = new AdRequest.Builder()
            .AddTestDevice(AdRequest.TestDeviceSimulator) // 테스트 광고 요청
        // Load the rewarded ad with the request.

    void HandleRewardedAdLoaded(object sender, EventArgs args)
        MonoBehaviour.print("HandleRewardedAdLoaded event received");

    void HandleRewardedAdFailedToLoad(object sender, AdErrorEventArgs args)
            "HandleRewardedAdFailedToLoad event received with message: "
                             + args.Message);

    void HandleRewardedAdOpening(object sender, EventArgs args)
        MonoBehaviour.print("HandleRewardedAdOpening event received");

    void HandleRewardedAdFailedToShow(object sender, AdErrorEventArgs args)
            "HandleRewardedAdFailedToShow event received with message: "
                             + args.Message);

    void HandleRewardedAdClosed(object sender, EventArgs args)
        MonoBehaviour.print("HandleRewardedAdClosed event received");

    void HandleUserEarnedReward(object sender, Reward args)
        // 스테미나를 100 향상시킴
        float tempStamina = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Stamina");
        StatusIncrease(100f, ref tempStamina);
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("Stamina", tempStamina);

        string type = args.Type;
        double amount = args.Amount;
            "HandleRewardedAdRewarded event received for "
                        + amount.ToString() + " " + type);

        //여기서 Reward가 생기는 모양 

    // 광고는 30분에 한번씩 

    public void _ShowRewardedAd()
        float LastTime = 0f;
        float OnTime = 0f;
        TimeToNumber(PlayerPrefs.GetString("ADTime"), ref LastTime);
        TimeToNumber(System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm"), ref OnTime);

        if (OnTime - LastTime > 30) 
            if (this.rewardedAd.IsLoaded())
                PlayerPrefs.SetString("ADTime", System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm"));
                Debug.Log("NOT Loaded Interstitial");


// - Android Ads

public class CSVReader
    static string SPLIT_RE = @",(?=(?:[^""]*""[^""]*"")*(?![^""]*""))";
    static string LINE_SPLIT_RE = @"\r\n|\n\r|\n|\r";
    static char[] TRIM_CHARS = { '\"' };

    public static List<Dictionary<string, object>> Read(string file)
        var list = new List<Dictionary<string, object>>();
        TextAsset data = Resources.Load(file) as TextAsset;

        var lines = Regex.Split(data.text, LINE_SPLIT_RE);

        if (lines.Length <= 1) return list;

        var header = Regex.Split(lines[0], SPLIT_RE);
        for (var i = 1; i < lines.Length; i++)

            var values = Regex.Split(lines[i], SPLIT_RE);
            if (values.Length == 0 || values[0] == "") continue;

            var entry = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            for (var j = 0; j < header.Length && j < values.Length; j++)
                string value = values[j];
                value = value.TrimStart(TRIM_CHARS).TrimEnd(TRIM_CHARS).Replace("\\", "");
                object finalvalue = value;
                int n;
                float f;
                if (int.TryParse(value, out n))
                    finalvalue = n;
                else if (float.TryParse(value, out f))
                    finalvalue = f;
                entry[header[j]] = finalvalue;
        return list;